Student of the Month – May

Noor Ahmed, homeschooling mother of four and nature lover, ventured on the path of Islamic learning with Ribaat in the Summer of 2022. With less than a year at Ribaat, Noor quickly noticed the impact of the Anisaat and classes on her life, describing it as though she was once swimming in darkness but now finally able to see. She identifies it as her “mommy fuel”, filling her up from the inside out, so she can better serve her family and her Lord.

In 2014, Noor completed her degree in psychology from the University of California at Riverside. She continued to reside in Southern California, where her days soon became consumed with educating and raising her four beautiful daughters. In the midst of mothering, Noor felt herself becoming lost and unsure of her path, feeling overwhelmed by her roles and tasks. Ribaat came as an answered dua.

She resolved to initiate her khitma through Ribaat’s Tajwid Program and then enrolled in PUR 101 and Superwomen for the Fall. Noor moved from a place of insecurity and uncertainty toward empowerment and growth. She shares that Anse Tamara’s life-changing Superwomen class truly opened her eyes to her strengths, realizing that with the help of Allah, that she too can change the world.

Where she once doubted herself as a mother, educator, servant of Allah and her connection with Allah’s Book, Noor finds herself better equipped to handle her roles and responsibilities. Alhamdulillah. She intends to continue her studies, hoping to one day complete her certification and receive an ijazah, uplifted by the support of her husband and children.

As she continues her journey, she will still be found soaking in the natural beauty of California while connecting with her daughters over hiking, baking, and reading, inshaAllah. Or you might find her enjoying the sound of rain or gazing upon the majestic mountains, in wonderment of Allah’s creation.

May Allah ta’ala bless Noor’s studies, equip her with all the tools she needs to fulfill her roles, and enable her to complete that which she sets out to do. Ameen.

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