convert care

Help new and veteran convert Muslim women bring their whole selves to Islam

Through publications, workshops, and mentor-ship, Rabata is proud to provide a place where Islamic education, spiritual upbringing and community care intersect for wholesome, joyful living. 

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The gentle art of bringing your whole self to Islam.
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Declare Your

Spirituality & leadership training for  today’s Muslim woman

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Tend Your

Kindle and Maintain relationships with  family, friends, and in-laws.

Join Muslim Women Convert Circle (MWCC)
Private Facebook group for community care
Convert Care Coordinator

Anse Emmannuelle (Eman) was born and raised in Montreal, Canada. She is a proud child of Haitian immigrants. Eman is the Convert Care Coordinator at Rabata and a graduate of Rabata’s Ribaat Academic Institute where she obtained her Ribaat Islamic Studies Teacher Certification in 2022 under the mentorship of Shayka Dr. Tamara Gray. She completed her masters degree in Pastoral Studies with a Certification in Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy at the University of Toronto.

In addition to being a Ribaat graduation, she is the Chapter Lead for the Rabata Toronto Chapter where she strives to bring Rabata’s ethos of positive cultural change to her local community. Eman also serves in the steering committee for Black Canadian Muslims, a non-profit organization whose mission is to enhance the lives of Black Canadian Muslims of the African diaspora by reviving a sense of community based on Islamic principles, education, art, and support.

Eman resides in Toronto with her two beloved children and husband.

Faith in Focus: An Introduction to Islam

Curious about Islam? Whether you’re exploring the faith for the first time or looking to deepen your understanding, this self-paced online course offers a welcoming introduction to Islam’s beliefs, practices, and spiritual depth.

You’ll learn about the core tenets of Islam, its profound spiritual teachings, and how Muslims integrate faith into their daily lives. Special emphasis is given to both the practical aspects—like prayer and worship—and the bigger picture of living with purpose, identity, and connection.

This course also highlights the often-overlooked contributions of Islam and Muslims to society, offering valuable insights for those from all backgrounds. If you’re new to Islam, you’ll gain the knowledge and confidence to perform essential acts of worship and find support in building a sense of community.

Join us in this journey of learning and discovery—at your own pace, in your own time.

Book Recommendations for Convert Women

Whether new to Islam or a seasoned convert with tales and advice of your own to share, Project Lina will help you  bring your whole self to Islam. 

Joy Jots is a collection of 52 weekly essays that take the reader through a year of seasons, blessings, and joyful spiritual growth.

Finding God celebrates God’s guidance by recounting the conversion stories of more than 40 people from all over the world. Short essays provide methods for grounding oneself in the faith and living Islam with purpose.
Class Recommendation for Convert Women

Companions of the Prophet (s) with Anse Dr. Tamara Gray

An in-depth study of the sixty companions discussed in the book Stars in the Prophet’s Orbit. Students will learn their stories, draw conclusions about Islamic precepts from their lives, understand their relationship to the Prophet , and derive personal lessons from their lives. Students will apply same to an additional companion upon whom research will be done.

Foundations, Flounderings, & Faith with Anse Dr. Tamara Gray

Belief and practice are the essential building blocks for Muslims and, as such, in order to build a fortress of faith, we need solid building materials. This course will cover basic ʿaqīda (tenets of belief), discuss issues of practice, and attempt to answer controversial questions. We will build a community of faithful friends, quell the floundering heart, and revive the faithful heart.

Project Lina Workshop

The Project Lina Workshop is a 9-session workshop for Muslim female converts to Islam. The three main components of the workshop – Know Yourself, Declare Independence, and Tend Your Ties – are representative of some of the issues and problems Muslim converts deal with in today’s world. Anse Tamara leads the workshop with discussions about issues of culture, creed and connections with family, friends and community as attendees explore what it means to be a western female convert in today’s world. The workshop is not a ‘new Muslim’ course – rather it is an in-depth workshop for female converts – novice and veteran.

This workshop is currently closed. 

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