Fara Rasiman

Fara Rasiman serves as Rabata’s Youth Program Education Administrator, which includes the RabaTEENS and Dragonflies programs. In the past 15 years, she has developed and led several youth volunteering programs for the communities she serves in Australia and Malaysia, including for the Cancer Council New South Wales and Habitat for Humanity Australia. She has also done pro-bono work for community groups empowering women and girls through education, including Dr. Bilal Philips’ IOU Sisters Students Community. She also began her journey with Rabata as a volunteer.

Born and raised in beautiful Malaysia, Fara lived in Australia for a few years in her 20s, before moving back to her home country. Seeing herself as a global citizen, Fara has worked in startups, tech, sustainable energy, nonprofits, creatives, and more, with projects across various countries spanning APAC, EU, and North American markets. But her passion lies in volunteering and working on community projects.

Fara studies Islamic studies at the Ribaat Academic Institute and the United Muslims of Australia (UMA)’s Sydney Islamic College. At Rabata, she also volunteers as the Social Media Coordinator and a Ribaat Course Admin. Fara also hosts a halaqah group for Muslim women to gather weekly to learn about the Sira, Tafsir, and Al-Nawawi’s 40 Hadith and Riyad as-Salihin. Today, the group has served more than 100 sisters in Islam globally.



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