Anse Lolo Aboufoul

Anse Lolo Aboufoul serves as a Tajwīd instructor at the Ribaat Academic Institute. She received certification in teaching al-Nūrāniyya principles as well as an Ijāza ‘An Hadir (a reading certification) to teach tajwīd. Anse Lolo additionally earned her undergraduate degree in computer science with a minor in biology from UNC Charlotte. Subsequently, she pursued her master’s degree in computer science at UNC Charlotte, specializing in data science.

Born in Charlotte, North Carolina with heritage from the blessed lands of Palestine, Anse Lolo considers herself a forever student of Islamic knowledge.She is a student in the Muddakir Quran Memorization program and is working towards completing the memorization of the Quran as well as a memorization Ijaza (may Allah ta’ala grant her success). 

Anse Lolo is currently a Computer Science instructor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte as well as a high school calculus teacher. She loves to read, hike, and be with her friends and family.

She has been a Ribaat Tajwid teacher since 2021 and has worked with various students in teaching principles of tajwid.



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