Anse Lolo Aboufoul

Anse Lolo Aboufoul was born in Charlotte, North Carolina and is originally Palestinian. She is a forever student of Islamic knowledge and has certification in teaching Nooraniyyah principles as well as an Ijaza ‘An Hadir (reading Ijaza) to teach tajwid. She has been a Ribaat Tajwid teacher since 2021 and has worked with various students in teaching principles of tajwid. She is a student in the Muddakir Quran Memorization program and is working towards completing the memorization of the Quran as well as a memorization Ijaza, InshaAllah. She is currently a Computer Science instructor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte as well as a high school calculus teacher. She loves to read, hike, and be with her friends and family.








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