Eamaan Rabbat

Eamaan Rabbat presently serves as Rabata’s Education Director and previously served as Director of the Ribaat Academic Institute since its inception in Fall 2013. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications with concentrations in Advertising and Journalism and a master’s in Educational Leadership and Administration. For over twenty years, she has dedicated her time to the education and upbringing of children and adults.

Eamaan was raised in the United States and Syria, where she benefited from renowned female teachers of the Islamic fields of study, including tajwīd, sīra, hadīth, fiqh, and ‘aqīda. She currently lives between Minnesota, USA and Dubai.

Over the years, Eamaan held various positions in educational institutions and schools, both as a staff member and volunteer. When Anse Dr. Tamara Gray approached Eamaan about a developing mission to spread positive cultural change through promoting female scholarship, Eamaan did not hesitate. From Rabata’s onset, Eamaan contributed in any and every space to drive the mission forward, and now can be seen carrying it forward in each of the educational initiatives she leads to promote positive cultural change. 

Eamaan also contributes as an Islamic Studies instructor with the Ribaat Academic Institute as well as an instructor with RabaTEENS and leads a Rabata halaqa.



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