Student of the Month – January 2018

Assalamu alaikum! My name is Wafiqah Sadiq and I am a stay at home mom of two boys, ages 6 and 3 ½. I was born and raised in Chicago, but moved to Seattle with my family about 3 years ago. I remember last year being a very busy and daunting time in my life. I had just plunged myself into a huge, life-changing diet in a move towards healthier living, I was trying to homeschool my very young children, I wanted to make friendships that were worth my energy and time, and wanted to have this super awesome relationship with Allah (swt). I was struggling because I felt exhausted from keeping up with my kids who were young and in need of my attention, while at the same time, trying to balance a new life. Having moved to Seattle about a year and half ago, I was still exploring the area. I was trying to figure out my options as far as schooling, which masjid I wanted to be a part of, and the decisions I wanted to make as an adult with my family. How did I want to live? What was my family culture going to be? What principles would I use to cultivate a life that Allah (swt) would be pleased with? I was at a point in my life when I was ready to transition. I needed a boost in my everyday to bring myself closer to Allah (swt) and accept more of a positive outlook on my life home with my kids.

In a late night text session between me and Afshan Malik, she pushed me to join the Ribaat classes. I was hesitant because I was a couple weeks late and I was not able to be the student that I used to be when I had no other responsibilities in my life. I would already be behind and how could I catch up with everything else that was going on in my life? My husband and Hazel Gomez convinced me that I didn’t have anything to lose by signing up. I would just try. Alhamdulillah, I signed up for Companions of the Prophet (s) Part 1.

I really wanted to get to know the Prophet (s). That was one of my goals in this phase of my life. This class was a great platform for that. I laughed with Anse Tamara as she chuckled at her own jokes. I shed tears when we all felt those moments of connectivity with the Prophet (s). This year, I took to heart the practical advice that Anse Rydanah imparted to help improve our daily routines. I appreciated the Muslim female support that both recognized and accepted my phase in life with small children and yet, pushed me to motivate myself to become better. This is what Allah (swt) asks of us. We are given various life circumstances and we have to embrace them with a strong heart filled with conviction and perseverance.

I got the memo loud and clear from Anse Tamara, and I got on the tahajjud boat. If I wanted to see change in my life, I had to begin at this point. I struggled and still do because it’s not consistent. But I will tell you, some beautiful gems came from it. I went to hajj. That has been a lifelong dream that I didn’t think was going to happen now. Maybe 10 years from now, but not now. I was called by Allah (swt) and every door opened up. It was beautiful because I felt the connection. I felt my covenant renewed. The loneliness, anxiety, the separation all withered away. My du’as were like a huge rolling ball of snow, getting bigger and bigger.

So, my plan with Rabata was to keep connected. I have been taking just one class every term since I began. Just one. And I will continue to do so because it helps me. It reminds me that I belong to the Ummah of the Prophet (s) and that I am not alone. There are lots of others just like me and we all move in and out of these stages. The advice I encounter, even though I’ve heard it before, rings a little bit differently. I’m able to share my insights with my little local Joy Jots book club and my own companions that I’ve made along the way.

0 thoughts on “Student of the Month – January 2018”

  1. So proud of you! May Allah continue to open your heart and mind, bring you closer to him, and keep strengthening your character, so that when you finally meet Him, al-wadud, you feel worthy of it. May your duas, goals, ambitions, come to life, here, and in the afterlife.

    You have always inspired me. Love you for the sake of Allah <3

  2. Amber Siddiqui

    Wafi it is so good to see you here after so many years! 🙂 LOVED your story mashaAllah <3

  3. Saleha Hansbhai

    Way to go Wafi!!! May Allah SWT continue to bless you and your family and continue to guide you all. You have peeked my interest in learning about ribaat and maybe evening taking classes InshaAllah!

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