muslim women

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ: His Enduring Relevance in Our World

A few years ago, a friend of mine shared an interesting realization with me. Faced with different challenges throughout her life, she was walking home from work, hiding all the disappointments her tired face was showing in the darkness of the Sarajevo night. “I felt as if all my hopes lost hope and disappeared,” she shared, smiling. Surrendering slowly to the gloominess of her heart, she looked at the lights of a billboard in front of her and saw these words: 

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Interreligious Spaces: Where do we go from here?

Every year, the Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies hosts an in-person, intensive interreligious course for students who are working towards becoming faith leaders in their respective faith traditions. This year, the dialogue included students from 12 Muslim, Christian, and Jewish seminaries and universities, all working towards becoming scholars and leaders, and took place at the Pearlstone Retreat Center in Maryland. It was a varied collection of individuals ranging in age from the late teens to the late 50s, some who are already leaders in their spaces and others who are just starting out on a path of knowledge.

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Student of the Month – June

Lisa Nyabinghi, Ribaat Academic Institute’s June Student of the Month, embodies her gratitude to Allah ﷻ in all arenas of life. As she faced the reality of a life-altering health diagnosis with a dim prognosis, Lisa soon developed a deep consciousness of the control of her Lord, regardless of the claims of doctors. It is in the light of her gratitude for life and a sense of purpose that she serves others with such generosity and graciousness.

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Student of the Month – April

In the vibrant mosaic of the Ribaat Academic Program, the journey of each student adds unique shades and patterns, enriching our collective narrative. This month, we are thrilled to spotlight Fara Rasiman, April’s Student of the Month, whose life story is a testament to the beauty of diversity, the pursuit of knowledge, and an unwavering dedication to community service. Hailing from the culturally rich and humid landscapes of Malaysia, Fara’s multicultural background has shaped her into a true global citizen. Her career has spanned various sectors, including startups, tech, sustainable energy, and nonprofits, touching lives across the Asia-Pacific, European, and North American markets.

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Student of the Month – March

Meet our Student of the Month, Saskia Eddarkaoui, a German convert to Islam, living her enriching journey alongside her Moroccan husband and their four children, aged between 3 and 11 years. Saskia has woven her life around faith, family, and the fervent desire to contribute to her community. Despite the absence of a robust Muslim community in her locality, her spirit remained unshaken, fueled by prayers for positive change, she resolved to still provide the right environment for her family and children. 

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Student of the Month – November

In the throes of world-wide isolation, Dr. Aaisha Vawda felt this separation more poignantly as she migrated across the Atlantic, from South Africa to Canada. The loss of family, friends, and familiarity left the introverted Aaisha in search of something more, but still hesitant to venture out into her new community. After a few months, her mother, recognizing her loneliness, shared the Rabata instagram page with Aaisha, encouraging her to explore the organization. Dr. Aaisha obliged and soon found her spiritual and emotional lifeline, a family away from family, a much needed space.

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Back to Writing

To my dismay, I didn’t have another ready-made story idea burning a hole in my pocket. And when I thought of a few (really good ones, actually), a malicious voice always overrode my enthusiasm: This idea requires too much research… That one has a good premise but where would it go from there? And worst of all, You did it once, but you know you can’t do it again. The voice paralyzed me for years. 

Then I remembered my red spiral notebook.

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Importance of Etiquette when Seeking Knowledge

Covid-19 did not do us many favors but one of the best things to come out of that trying time was the proliferation of online methods of study.  At Ribaat, we have been at the forefront of digital knowledge spaces even before that time and we find our numbers of students accessing our classes increasing every year.  This is indeed a sign of more and more women seeking out knowledge and finding that online spaces to learn can be just as effective.  As a teacher at Ribaat, teaching women on this online platform brings me joy.  As Anse Najiyya pointed out last month, our students are of all ages, life stages and levels of knowledge.  

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