
The Recited Quran: A Blessed Chain Leading to the Prophet ﷺ

Reciting the Quran is one of the most important acts of worship to perform in Ramadan. It was the month when the Quran was first brought down to the heavens of this world and during this month, the Angel Jibreel (‘alayhi-s-salaam) would complete a yearly review of the Quran with the Prophet ﷺ. So it is of the sunnah to increase our Quran reading during this Holy month.

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Student of the Month – November

In the throes of world-wide isolation, Dr. Aaisha Vawda felt this separation more poignantly as she migrated across the Atlantic, from South Africa to Canada. The loss of family, friends, and familiarity left the introverted Aaisha in search of something more, but still hesitant to venture out into her new community. After a few months, her mother, recognizing her loneliness, shared the Rabata instagram page with Aaisha, encouraging her to explore the organization. Dr. Aaisha obliged and soon found her spiritual and emotional lifeline, a family away from family, a much needed space.

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Karima Traeger Ribaat Academic Institute Student

Student of the Month – September

Karima Traeger found her way to the Ribaat Academic Institute as many of her fellow classmates did – through a friend’s loving recommendation to attend Masjid Rabata programming. Soon after, in 2021, Karima registered for her first classes with Ribaat and continues now with a focus on Arabic, Tajwīd, and Tafsīr. Karima shares that Ribaat provided a space to learn her deen in comfort, joy, and community.

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“A woman with a good bit of life behind her is able to absorb lessons and teach them to others with years’ worth of examples and stories that bring the learning to life. She is able to teach with both an authoritative presence that helps her guide others through the rough waters of self-reflection and a knowing tranquility that is the cozy spiritual equivalent of being 'squishy,' as my granddaughter raves about my middle-age pudge.” Anse Najiyah Maxfield

Students of a Certain Age

When I first began studying at the Ribaat Academic Institute, back before there even really was a Ribaat, I sat down and cried. Not because I was so overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to study seriously in my own home. Not because I was so spiritually moved by the Companions in the pilot class that I just couldn’t contain my tears. And not because I enjoyed the exercise of heart and mind that was the final exam. No. I cried because all the other students were in their twenties…maybe thirties…and I was the only one beginning my studies at 50 years old.

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